April 2, 2013

MLB Team Salary Infographic

It's fun to look at. Especially when you look at who went to the playoffs last year. Well that and the mystery of what on earth the Cubs spent $104 Million dollars on. Maybe Wrigley really does cost that much to maintain. You know, like paying the medical bills for a one hundred and ten year old person. Takes a lot to keep that old bird alive.


  1. How did the Rangers lose Hamilton and Angels picked him up but their salaries both stayed about the same. Teams like the Braves , Rays, A's, Dbacks, are all legit contenders with sub 90M salaries. Reds too could easily win it all and they are at 101.

    I just don't know if I see the value in these 20+ million dollar players.

  2. The overlying theme of going over all the stats from 2004 through 2013 was that the teams that stuck to one game plan, either constantly spending a lot of money or constantly spending a small amount of money were the winners. The teams that fluctuated were the teams that suffered the most.

  3. interesting. You either shell out big money for proven power veterans and try to bash your way into the playoffs (yanks). Or you take a look at the numbers and try to develop talent from within (A's, Braves). Until they become proven veterans and get sold to the yankees.

  4. Honestly yes. Don't forget about the Rays either. They have actually spent less then both the Braves and the A's and have seen far more success then either of them.


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