April 16, 2013

April 16th, 2013

Nick 9-6. Single skins. Tuesday 4-16.


  1. Tigers, Rangers, Reds, Rockies (Game 1). DT: Giants

  2. I don't know about Mango over there, looks a little peakish.

  3. I just saw your link to Mr. Fuck, how very informative. I am going to have to read up on that sonofabitch.

  4. I was so torn today on the AL picks that I needed to consult the oracle.

    Tigers, White Sox (oracle), Braves, Reds. DT: Giants

  5. Gol dammit. great minds think alike.

    And yes. Mango needs to eat a steak.

  6. So today really just comes down to Braves and white sox vs Rangers and Rockies.

  7. The Giants lost to the Brew Crew and The Reds game is going to finish up this afternoon after being called due to rain. Since we both picked them, and it will not affect the outcome, I will just update this again after the result is in as opposed to counting it as a rainout.

    Chris: Tigers, White sox, Braves. 2 pts
    Nick: Tigers, Rangers, Rockies. 2 pts

    Double skinz for Wed April 17th

  8. Reds won. we each get 3 points for the 16th.


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