May 16, 2016

May 16th, 2016

Score tied 21-21.  Single skinz for Monday, 5/16.

First half of May (1st-15th) nCcSSP.  We are getting better!
All picks - 25/35 (71.43%)
Both Same DT - 5/5 (100%)
Same Pick, One chose as DT  - 11/14 (78.57%)

In our last 10 days we are 19/24 overall (79.17%). These numbers would all be higher if we both didn't shit the bed yesterday.


  1. Yanks, Tigers, Pirates, Reds. DT: Blue Jays

    I know I should take the Tigers with Zim pitching against the Twins, but I still don't trust em.

  2. Tigers, Blue Jays, Marlins, Pirates. DT: Dodgers

  3. Chris: Tigers and Pirates. 1 point
    Nick: Tigers, Pirates and Marlins. 2 points

    Some good pickin we did yesterday!

    Nick wins the skin, score 22-21


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