May 12, 2016

May 12th, 2016

Nick leads 21-17. Single skinz for today. Make your picks for 5/12


  1. Orioles, Angels, Dodgers, Giants. DT: Phillies

  2. Angels, Astros, Phillies, Dodgers. DT: Orioles

    Today was the day of forced picks. How won`t Baltimore beat the Tigers tonight. I am betting my Astros and Angels picks on it, cause they definitely going to lose tonight.

  3. Chris: Orioles, Dodgers, Giants, Phillies. 5 points
    Nick: Phillies, Dodgers, Orioles. 4 points.

    That game last night was bullshit. Pelfrey was pitching good last night, he gave up a couple hits but one guy got on with an error so you cant blame him. So why do you yank him with one out in the 6th and rely on our bullpen for almost 4 innings of work?? I knew then that we had lost.

    Regardless... Chris wins the skin. score now 21-18

  4. Yeah, Ausmus will not be around much longer. Though, I still think they should have fired him at the end of last season if they were going to do it.


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