September 29, 2018

September 29th, 2018

Chris leads 91-89. Single skinz for Saturday 9/29. Good luck sir. If you win today we will have to discuss tie breaker scenarios for Sunday.


  1. Astros, Rays, Pirates, Braves. DT: Kershaw to Clinch

  2. Astros Game 1 for me, Verlander pitching.

  3. Orioles (Game 1), Mariners, Phillies (Again!!), Dodgers. DT: Rays

    Why the orioles? because I can't pick the Astros today and you probably are so I'm gonna try for a 4 point swing if you take JV.

  4. Ohhh yeah. 2 point swing! close enough. opposite on two games today! so exciting!!

  5. This past week seriously has been incredibly fun. Every night there have been multiple games that I cared about.

  6. Good luck tonight dude, this has been a really great skinz season.

  7. Chris: Mariners, Phillies, Dodgers & Rays (5 pts)
    Nick: Astros, Rays, Dodgers (4 pts)
    Chris wins the skin. Chris leads 92-89 which is good enough for the win! Chris wins the Skinz!!!


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