April 17, 2018

Tax Day

Chris leads 11-8. Single skinz for Tuesday 4/17. Give all your duckets to Uncle Sam.


  1. White Sox, Blue Jays (G1 - Garcia), Padres, Pirates DT: Yankees

  2. Tigers, Angels, Brewers, Phillies. DT: Blue Jays

  3. My Blue Jays pick is Game 1 as well with Jamie Garcia pitching from the old mound that is 66 ft away from home plate where in which the batter stands, hoping to hit a dinger out of the ballpark in this great sport that we in this country, as well as so many other countries in this world call baseball.

  4. Chris: Blue Jays (0 pts)
    Nick: Tigers, Brewers, Phillies & Blue Jays (5 pts)
    Nick wins the skin. Chris leads 11-9.


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