August 2, 2016

August 2nd, 2016

Nick leads 65-51. Single skinz for today. Make them picks for 8/2.


  1. White Sox Matter, Scalpers, Tasting their own product, Presdient Artrip`s Party. DT: The people Dumbledore sent Hagrid to get to fight Voldemort

  2. Chuck Norris TV job, Dots on the forehead, A note to convey good wishes, thieves on the sea. DT: Wun Wun's race from game of thrones.

  3. Nick: Brewers, Pirates. 1 point
    Chris: Pirates. 0 points.

    You suck. 66-51 is the score now

  4. Chris: Pirates (0 pts)
    Nick: Brewers & Pirates (1 pt)
    We both suck but I win the skin. Nick leads 66-51.


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