April 4, 2016

Opening Skinz Day!

Score is 0-0.  Single skinz for Monday 4/4.  Good luck, Sir.


  1. Red Sox, Astros, Dodgers, D-backs. DT: Nats

  2. Orioles, Rays, Phillies, Dodgers. DT: Nationals

  3. Give me the Rays instead of the Astros in light of the recent postponement of the Yankees home opener.

  4. Didn't we learn our lesson a few years ago to not start the season in Cleveland? Just wait a couple weeks.

    Give me Sonny to beat the Crack head in the night cap instead of the Red Sox.

    My new picks are:

    A's, Rays, Dodgers, D-Backs. DT: Nats

  5. Pending an epic comeback by the Dbacks this will be the final.

    Chris: Dodgers, Nats. 3 points
    Nick: Orioles, Dodgers, Nats. 4 points

    Nick wins the skin. Score now 1-0


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