April 17, 2015

Celebration Picks!

Nick leads 7-4.   We are starting with Single Skinz!

Enter your picks here for Friday (4/17) - Tuesday (4/21) (or Wednesday if you want).  This way we don't have to mess with this shit in LA.


  1. Friday: Tigers, Yankees, Dodgers, Padres. DT: Indians
    Saturday: White Sox, Astros, Nats, Mets DT: Mariners
    Sunday: Tigers, Red Sox, Cubs, D-Backs. DT: Cards

    I'll due Mon-Wed later

  2. Friday: Indians, Tigers, Padres, Dodgers. DT: Mets
    Saturday: White Sox, Twins, Braves, Cardinals. DT: Rays
    Sunday: Blue Jays, Yankees, Cubs, Mets. DT: Tigers
    Monday: Orioles, White Sox, Reds, Rockies. DT: Angels Baby!!! (Make papa proud Shoemaker)
    Tuesday: Rays, Astros, Dodgers, Marlins. DT: Diamonbacks

    Good idea Fizz, no get your ass to LA!

  3. Monday: Royals, Mariners, Rockies, Reds. DT: Angels.
    Tuesday: Astros, A's, Dodgers, Pirates. DT: Indians

  4. Friday:
    Chris: Tigers, Yankees, Dodgers & Padres (3 pts)
    Nick: Tigers, Padres, Dodgers & Mets (5 pts)
    Nick Wins, Now leads 8-4

    Chris: White Sox, Astros, Nationals, Mets & Mariners (6 pts)
    Nick: White Sox & Cardinals (1 pt)
    Chris wins: Nick leads 8-5

    Chris: Tigers, Diamondbacks & Cardinals (4 pts)
    Nick: Yankees, Mets & Tigers (4 pts)
    Tie Ballgame

    Monday: Double Skinz
    Chris: Royals and Reds (1 pt)
    Nick: White Sox and Reds (1 pt)
    Tie Ballgame

    Tuesday: Triple Skinz
    Chris: Astros and Indians (3 pts)
    Nick: Astros (0 pts)
    Chris wins Triple Skinz. Score is now 8-8 (aka, 0-0)

  5. Ok, here we go. Double check me.

    Chris: Tigers, Yankees, Dodgers, Padres. (3 points)
    Nick: Tigers, Padres, Dodgers, Mets (5 points)
    Nick wins the skin for Friday. Score now 8-4.

    Chris: White Sox, Astros, Mets, Mariners(5 points)
    Nick: White Sox, Cards (1 point)
    Chris wins the skin for Saturday. Score now 8-5

    Chris: Tigers,D-backs, Cards (4 points)
    Nick: Yanks, Mets, Tigers (4 points)
    Double skinz going into Monday.

  6. I double checked them all and i agree the score is now 8-8.


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