April 18, 2014

April 18th, 2014

Nick leads 11-7.  Single skinz for Friday 4/18.
Call your sister.  It's her birthday.


  1. Tigers, Yanks, Cubs, Cards. DT: A's

    These picks took me all of 20 seconds. Lets see if underthinking it is the way to go.

  2. Indians, Orioles, Dodgers, Braves. DT: Cubs
    Good pick for a Good Friday. I as well spent as little time as possible so it will be a battle of the ill informed today.

  3. Same deal as yesterday.

    Nick: Orioles and Braves. 1 point
    Chris: A's 2 points.

    Chris wins the skin again with just one correct. Score now 11-8


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