August 30, 2013

August 30th, 2013

Chris leads 85-61. Double skinz for Friday 8/30.


  1. These are for sure the winners. A perfecto is in the air.

    Angels, Red Sox, Dodgers, Phillies. DT: Rangers

  2. Tigers, Angels, Marlins, Dodgers. DT: Rangers

  3. Poor Yu. The elusive no hitter. He takes it into the 7th last night and to add insult to injury, the Twins hit back to back home runs and he ends up getting the loss.

    Nick: Tigers, Angels, Dodgers. 2 points
    Chris: Angels, Ref Sox, Dodgers, Phils. 3 points.

    Chris wins the double skins. Score now 87-61.

    Tomorrow is the last saturday of the month.


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