May 1, 2013

May 1st, 2013

Score is tied 15-15.  aka 0-0.
Single skinz.  New month of picks.
Enter selections for Wednesday, May 1st.


  1. Athletes of Oakland, Hueless Footwear, Very Large People, The Nasty Nats. DT: Big Cats.

    (A's, White sox, Giants, Nats. DT: Tigers)

  2. Orioles, Angels(They can't lose every game, right?), Cardinals, Phillies(What the hell is wrong with me!) DT: Yankees

  3. Very large people made me laugh out loud.

  4. San Fran is still playing and the O's are getting their asses kicked. doesn't matter. won't affect the skin.

    Chris: White Sox, Nats (maybe the giants...) 1 point for now.
    Nick: Angels, Cards, Yanks. 4 points.

    Nick wins the skin. Score now 16-15

  5. The Very Large People ended up winning. I got 2 points yesterday. whoopie.


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