March 31, 2013

April 1st, 2013

Day one!  Enter picks for April 1st!


  1. Mariners, Angels, Nats, Padres. DT: Tigers

  2. Red Sox, Mariners, Braves, Dodgers. DT: Nationals

  3. Picking the Kershaw over Cain... I stayed away from that one. I like to pick between two shitty teams. for example, Padres/Mets today.

    But Stevey boy is gonna kick some Marlin ass today. i just liked more AL teams today.

    I also almost picked the yanks over the sox.

  4. Awesome start to the year! I actually had the Dbacks down and at the last second switched it out for the Padres. ugh.

    Only The Padres lost. You win the day 6-5.


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