November 24, 2016

A Long Time Coming...

With a season that took until the end of the final day to declare a winner, it is only fitting that I would wait a month and a half to write my victory speech.

What to say about a season that was a tie for the first half, a pull away for the month of July and then a literal tie when everything was said and done. Tiebreakers have always been something that were discussed, usually in a humerous fashion as it never quite seemed possible that after 178 days of skinz played, that we would end in a draw. Alas, a draw it was.

To avoid becoming the All Star game, rules were created and a final outcome was attained. I won not so much because of skill or a secret formula, but because I was able to guess second tiered teams on the strangest day of a very long season.

In a year that saw some improbable events occur, both good (Cubs) and tragic (RIP Kid), we can forever be assured that a baseball season is anything but predictable. A long season it was, but one that I can guarantee we will never forgot.

So on this national holiday, I am thankful for many things baseball related and personal, but nothing more so than this daily ritual I share with my good buddy Chris, who loves this very strange and obsessive undertaking that rules our lives for six months out of the year just as much as I do.

So cheers to the first five years of skinz! May the next five be as wonderfully goofy as the first.