March 20, 2015

2015 Skinz is upon us!

Can you believe it is our 4th year in Skinz. We had a nail-biter in 2014! It came down to the last series of the year with Nick being victorious!

Lets just recap here. The same rules still apply as last year. The exception is number 11. We will make preseason predictions to settle a possible tie breaker situation at the end of the year instead of the cage fight. I also expanded upon rule 6 and added Rule 2.1 (which we talked about toward the end of the year).

The Rules:

  1. No back to back picks unless forced into by rule 5. Plan ahead!!
  2. Must pick every team at least once per month. Exceptions being March and October.
    1. If the contest goes past September 15th, You cannot win the contest unless you have selected all teams for September.
  3. 5 picks per day.  2 AL and 2 NL picks worth 1 point each.  1 Double Trouble (DT) pick can be from either league and is worth 2 points for a correct guess and negative 1 (-1) for an incorrect pick. Max score per day is 6, low score -1.  Who ever gets most points in a day wins one (1) skin.
  4. If score is tied on any day, the skinz up for grabs that day is then carried over to the next day until a clear winner emerges.  The winner of that day then wins all accumulated skinz.
  5. Last Saturday of each month we get to choose a matchup that the other person must decide from.
  6. Any pick for a game that ends with a rainout or is suspended until a future date counts as ZERO (0) points on the day. This is regardless if they were DT or not.  The pick still counts toward rule 2 and does not need to be repeated during the month.
  7. Picks must be posted by (and can be changed up until) game start time.
  8. If any day has less than 5 games, no DT is chosen.
  9. If any day has 2 or fewer AL or NL matchups, That league cannot be your DT. Extra selections from the opposing league are then allowed to fill in any shortages (must pick 5 games).
  10. Full season runs from April 6th to October 4th.  Minus the 4 days off in July that is 178 days.  First to 90 skinz is the winner.
  11. In the unlikely event that we tie 89-89, a bare knuckle cage fight will be used to determine the winner. Predictions will be made in the next post titled "2015 Tiebreaker Predictions".
Good Luck Friend!